Friday, June 7, 2013

Don't be like my Dad

By Dr. Ricardo Andrade

I love my dad; however, when it comes to going to his doctors’ appointments, he procrastinates like many people tend to do. He tells me all the time, “if it doesn’t hurt, why go.” As dentists, we see thousands of patients each year, and we see all those patients that waited. It’s not fun to give these patients a terrible diagnosis when things begin to hurt. We’ve had many of these patient’s describe dental pain worse than childbirth and kidney stones. No one should have to experience that type of pain.
A sure way to prevent this from happening is to visit us a few times each year. Wouldn’t it be nice to visit us and find out that everything looks good and no problems were found? After 5 years at Dynamic Dental, we have begun to really see a lot of our patients reach this goal. I can think of many patients who would have preferred to amputate a leg rather than visit us. We’ve worked with them to minimize their anxiety and make their check-ups quick and easy.
So, if you or your dad have put off coming in, stop procrastinating and take a leap of faith. We promise to help you get through it, like we have for countless other dads.

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