Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Inflated Value of Run Flat Tires

By Walter Ford

Several manufacturers are now supplying new cars with run flat tires. The appeal of a run flat tire is that it can be driven on after it goes flat and can maintain its structural integrity for up to 50 miles per hour and travel up to 50 miles. In other words, if a run flat tire goes flat, it will travel a reasonable distance at a reasonable speed.
How are they able to do this? The manufacturer builds up the sidewalls of the tire with extra rubber. The problem with that is it causes the tire to ride very poorly as it transmits shock through the car. This shock can be so extreme that in some cases we have seen broken wheels. Why does this happen? Because the tire is so stiff, if it hits a pothole or other obstacle in the road, it will actually take that shock and transmit it right into the wheel, causing the wheel to break inside. We have seen this happen in our shop many times and it’s always on run flat tires.
We advocate getting rid of these tires because they cost about 1/3 more than a regular tire and they don’t have any real benefit. Furthermore, a run flat tire will still need to be replaced after you have driven on it after it has gone flat. So, if you’re thinking that a run flat tire will save you money, they don’t. They actually cost more money number one and number two, when you drive on them after they’re flat, they will be completely ruined.

The only advantage of a run flat tire is getting the short term convenience of not having to change your tire after it has gone flat. The trade off of temporary convenience versus much higher cost and poorer ride in my opinion is not worth it. Another disadvantage of run flat tires is they don’t last as long as most conventional tires. We have seen them go up to 30,000 miles but you can get a conventional tire that’s got a guarantee of 60,000 miles. At the end of the day, I believe you’ll be miles ahead by investing all the money you will save and getting a superior standard tire. 

The History of Valentine's Day

By Sylvia Cochran

Valentine's Day has been observed in a number of fashions throughout the decades, but the traditions that Americans associate with the holiday did not truly take place until about 1847. This year marks the first occasion that an American stationery store sold pre-printed Valentine's Day cards, and a practice that seems to have already flourished in England finally took hold in North America.
Nineteenth century social mores made the exchange of Valentine's Day gifts a mostly one-sided occasion for those who were unmarried. Men would offer handwritten and later printed cards to their love interests. As the 20th century was ushered in, gifts of flowers and later candies were added to the Valentine's Day observances. In the 1980's, the rise of diamond industry advertisements urging the purchase of a special gift gave a decidedly commercial feel to the occasion.
England introduced North America to the concept of greeting card exchanges for Valentine's Day observances, but other countries have put their own special spin on the day. In Sweden, giving flowers is at the heart of the observance, while cards take a backseat. Finland expanded the celebration to not only include lovers but also friends. In Japan, women take the initiative and present the men in their lives with chocolate candies.

Men and women observing Valentine's Day today generally use pre-printed cards. They serve as a springboard from which to seek out more elaborate observances. The ultimate observance is perhaps a marriage proposal timed for this day. A night out with dinner, dancing, and time away from friends and family is also part of the observance. Of course, finding the right things to do on Valentine's Day depends largely on the couple's tastes and preferences.

Swimming in Quicksand

By Bob Cox

There is an old saying that your greatest enemy is the one staring back at you in the mirror. When it comes to the sensitive subject of self-sabotage, why is it so much easier to see what others do to trip themselves up while missing the blatantly obvious choices we make to screw up our own lives? I know that’s been the case for me. As I was walking my dog The Nut (her full name is Coconut, but her behavior is off-the-wall nutty, so The Nut fits her perfectly), a rare moment of clarity came to me.
Every so often, I feel the desire to enjoy a life that greater financial abundance could create. Most of the time; however, I really am quite content as I enjoy the simple and peaceful tranquility that leisure time brings. Although I do enjoy work most of the time when I’m able to get out of my own way, I really love to sit back and chill more than I would care to admit.
Recently, my wife Diana and I chose to switch TV services. At the time, I had some serious reservations about quality, program selection and cost, but now I laughingly refer to it as one of the three greatest moments of my life, right up there with my wedding day and the birth of my son Bobby.
What is so great about our new service? I have learned how to record all my favorite programs and can now enjoy them any time I want. Also, I get a bit of an adrenaline rush whenever I fast-forward through all the annoying pharmaceutical commercials. I know, I’m a real daredevil . . . what can I say! At any moment, I can sit back with my trusty friend that you probably refer to as a remote control and with it, I can choose from a cornucopia of entertaining shows and sporting events. And when it comes to sports, don’t get me started, as I fast-forward through all the huddles and downtime and get straight to the plays. Watching four games on every glorious Sunday is now possible. I have never felt so much power in my life, which is equal parts intoxicating and pathetic!
So, now imagine that you just finished building the swimming pool of your dreams, complete with beautiful waterfalls, fountains and exotic plants. Would you fill it with quicksand? Of course not, unless you were tempted to find a creative solution to ridding yourself of the growing entourage of annoying and intrusive neighbors who pop by every day with their equally obnoxious kids. Chances are pretty good that you would fill it with clean and sparkling water and then make sure that it stays that way. You would not fill it with quicksand and then be frustrated by how nasty and unpleasant it was every time you cannon-balled of the diving board!
And yet, is not that what most of us do whenever we sabotage our dreams and aspirations? If we choose to take a real good and honest look at ourselves, the answer is almost always an emphatic yes. Is there an area of your life where you’re constantly being confronted by feelings of frustration? Is there someone important in your life that you’re having chronic conflict with? Is your health and vitality deteriorated from where you want it to be? Is your financial situation short of giving you the lifestyle you truly want? If you answered yes to any of these or other unasked questions, then you need to have a serious conversation with your inner guru until you have your own moment of clarity.

Whatever you need to do to quiet your mind and get in touch with the primary cause of your discontent, go for it. For some, it’s meditation. For others, it’s vigorous exercise. Once you do get the real answer to why things are not working out according to plan, ask someone you really trust and respect for their feedback. Chances are good that they will confirm and validate your epiphany. On the other hand, if none of these ideas work for you, you can always come by and take a walk with The Nut. After all, God spelled backwards is dog.     

When should I file my tax return early?

Americans love to do things at the last minute. Maybe it’s the thrill of barely beating a deadline. Maybe we’re just plain busy. Maybe we’re nervous about the outcome. When it comes to filing our tax return it’s often the latter.
“What if I owe money? What if my return isn’t as big as I was expecting? The “what if” of the situation can make the process nerve-racking.
For the 2013 tax filing, the earliest the IRS will begin processing electronically filed returns is January 31st.
Here are 5 reasons to make a case for avoiding the procrastination bug and get your return filed long before the April 15th deadline:
  1. Get your money sooner: If you’re entitled to a refund then why wait? You have bills to pay and fun and exciting things to do with your money. Get it back and get the tax-filing monkey off your back by filing early. Conversely, if you owe taxes, you’ll know how much earlier and will have more time to drum up the money to pay.
  2. Help with school: Getting your tax returns done early can help you avoid another last minute rush for filing for financial aid. There is now a direct link between the Federal Student Aid forms and the IRS, so getting your tax return filed will establish your data with the IRS and streamline your financial aid application.
  3. Feuding ex-spouse or parent: Hopefully you don’t fall into this category and it’s best to if you can keep the IRS out of your marital strife. But sometimes a spouse who shouldn’t be claiming a child claims that child first, and you’re stuck with the challenge of contesting the right to claim your rightful dependent (consult us on the rules that govern claiming a dependent.)
  4. Don’t be a victim: Identity theft is on the rise. The sooner you file, the less opportunity someone else has to file a return in your name. Some criminals break into a home or car, steal identification information and then file taxes in that persons name to collect a refund that isn’t rightfully theirs. Sure, it may not happen to you but lessen the chances for this to happen to you by filing early and get to filing early. When you do file, having your refund direct deposited also avoids opportunities for theft from your mailbox.
  5. Less chance of error: The earlier you get started on filing the better chance you have to get organized and discover any missing items. Getting a jump on the process will give you time to gather information and submit a completely accurate return to maximize refund or minimize tax liability.
One word of caution if you’re thinking of filing early: make sure you’ve got all your tax documents before filing. It’s hard enough to remember what you had for breakfast yesterday! Sometimes trying to recall what jobs and sources of income you had last year can be just as tough. So don’t forget about that holiday side gig you picked up and make sure you have everything when you visit our offices.

Visit our website at to locate one of our offices in your neighborhood, find a handy checklist to help you get ready for filing, and find additional offers.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge

By Bob Cox

Are you among the majority of Americans who would love to lose weight, gain energy and create healthy friendships that will last a lifetime? If you answered yes to these questions, you will be thrilled to hear about an exciting new weight loss program called The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge. Starting January 8, 2014, The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge will be inviting up to 39 people to be a part of a twelve week program that’s designed to help people lose weight in a healthy, balanced and supportive environment. I spoke to the director of the program John McCain recently to find out more about this exciting new program and here’s how our conversation went…

Q: What motivated you to start the Biggest Weight Loser Challenge?

A: We decided to do this because whenever we get a group of people together, the energy from the group with a common cause like weight loss works extremely well. We all work together to encourage one another to lose weight in a safe and healthy way.

Q: What is the Biggest Weight Loser Challenge?

A; It is a twelve week program that is intended to motivate and educate people regarding proper nutrition and healthy weight loss. Each week we hold a class and everybody is given the opportunity to share their unique stories as much as they feel comfortable. We have a caring and supportive environment that encourages our students to share their successes as well as challenges in their daily diets. We sometimes bring healthy food to share and discuss during the classes as well. We give our students some guidelines to help them with better nutrition and healthier choices. Members of the group are encouraged to add what they have done to be successful by inspiring others with specific challenges they've overcome to achieve greater success.

Q: Is there any obligation to purchase additional products or to join any organizations?

A: No, the fee you pay goes to the 12 week program. Of course, you just put in what you get out of it. Sometimes the meeting needs you and sometimes you need the meeting. In other words, if you have a good weight loss story to share, your words will motivate and encourage others in the group. On the other hand; if you’re struggling with certain challenges, you may need to hear an inspiring story. We really are a group or community that gets together and encourages one another. Studies have shown that people have more success losing weight and keeping it off when they have a weight loss partner or group doing it with them.

Q: What’s the cost to join the Biggest Weight Loser Challenge?

A: It’s $35 and $30 of that goes to the prize money and $5 goes to administrative costs.

Q: What do you do during a typical meeting?

A: Every week we all weigh in and get measured. After that, we talk about a specific subject that’s part of losing weight, including discussions on protein intake, caloric consumption, nutritional eating habits and choosing healthy snacks high in protein. We have a limit of 39 people and that number helps keep our meetings brief and dynamic. Our meetings typically last about 45 minutes and they are very lively, informative and fun.

Q: Is there any other reason you set the limit to 39 people per group?

A: Yes, because that’s the limit of the prize money that can be paid out to the person that would win the most, without being subjected to additional income tax!

Q: When does the next session begin?

A: The next session begins on Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

Editor’s notes: For more information about The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge, call (916) 295-1900.

Treating Your Family Like Our Family

By Walter Ford

When I hire somebody, one of the things that I do is tell them about our basic business philosophy. The first time anybody walks through our front door, they’re a friend. It doesn't matter if they’re a customer, an inspector from the state of California, somebody that runs parts or a process server serving papers. It doesn't matter.

The second time they walk through that front door, they’re family. You treat them as such and if a delivery person comes in and we have pizza or other food we’re sharing, if they were a family member, wouldn't you invite them to sit down and have a soda and something to eat?

I do this because it sets the tone and ultimately determines the personality of our business. If you visit a family that doesn't really help or look out for each other, you’re not going to get a warm and fuzzy feeling from those people. If I have a customer in the waiting room and they see me run to the door because the delivery guy has his hands full and then welcome him in, it makes everybody feel better.

I feel my personal philosophy on running any kind of business, especially when it’s service oriented, is that you want to exude that feeling of contentment and happiness. People don’t come to us because they want to. They come to us because it’s a necessity. When a customer first walks in, they’re likely going to be in a negative space. I think it’s our duty to do our best to put them at ease and make them feel comfortable.

Treating a person like family is probably the fastest way to get there. If there’s any question about how I should handle something, all I have to do is ask myself, “If they were a family member, what would I do?”

We had an incident where we had a problem with a car on Friday, and I came in the following Monday at 10:30 am and it hadn't even been on the rack yet. I looked at my manager and said, "Not only is this a good customer, he’s a personal friend. He’s been here more than once. Is this how you would treat your family?" When you set the goal of treating everyone like family, if you do fall a little bit short, you’ll probably be okay.

The goal is to show my employees how I expect to be treated. My hope is that this attitude will eventually come as naturally to them as it does to me. I truly like my customers and enjoy speaking to each and every one when I'm in the office.

Premiere Nutrition

Jerry’s Update: Before, I felt almost like a buffalo walking around, but now I feel more confident. I feel like I look better and I just feel better all around. Now, I feel more confident and people are noticing. Jerry’s starting weight before Premiere Nutrition was 352.6 pounds five months ago. He is now 306.2 pounds and has lost 46.4 pounds, 4.7% body fat; he’s dropped 6 points of visceral fat and lost a combined 31.5 inches! Go Jerry…Go Jerry …Go Jerry!

Elizabeth’s Update: Before I got on the program; I would get sick to my stomach, no matter what food I ate. Then I would feel tired and sad. Now, I don’t feel tired and I don’t feel sad. I feel good, I feel strong and I have more energy. Before Premiere Nutrition, I felt sluggish and sad and now I feel energetic and excited about life! Elizabeth starting weight before Premiere Nutrition was 263.2 and she is now down to 226.8 pounds. She’s lost 36.4 pounds, 5% body fat, has dropped her visceral fat 5 points and has lost a combined 17 inches! Go Elizabeth… Go Elizabeth…Go Elizabeth!

John McCain’s Story: When I got started in Premiere Nutrition I was tired, overweight, had digestive problems and cravings for fast foods. Within the first seven days, I got my digestive problems under control and in fourteen days lost my cravings for fast food. I lost 31 pounds in just 90 days and have gone on to lose a total of 51 pounds and I feel great! 

One Determined Resolution

By Bob Cox

My wife Diana and I watched a riveting program on PBS recently that I believe will change our lives forever. The guest speaker was Lissa Rankin, MD and she was sharing how a perfect storm of personal and professional crisis’s transformed her life. She left her medical practice in 2007 because she was disillusioned by what she believed was a rigid and outdated health care system. Years of research led her to discover that our bodies have natural self-repair mechanisms that can be activated or disabled based on thoughts, beliefs and feelings that originate in the mind. Her new life’s calling is helping all patients take a more active role in healing themselves, while encouraging the health care industry to embrace and facilitate the body's self-healing capacities. She shared several of these powerful insights from her ground breaking book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.

After just 15 minutes of listening intently, Diana turned to me and emphatically proclaimed that she was going to take charge of her health by observing and eliminating all negative and toxic thoughts, thoughts that have led her to feel angry, frustrated, exhausted and powerless to make positive and lasting change.

I was thrilled to hear the passion and conviction in her words because absolute determination is the catalyst for making positive changes that will withstand the test of time. The next day, Diana shared her thoughts and ideas with several friends and co-workers. She was startled and amazed by the volume and frequency of negative thoughts that streamed through her mind that day. One by one, she took charge of her mind and had a very positive and lighthearted experience as a result.

I had a similar experience 20 years earlier when my doctors told me that I would either have to undergo high risk surgery on the herniated discs in my lower back or manage the debilitating pain with prescription drugs and physical therapy. The pain each day became unbearable as I shuffled around for several months like an over sized cocktail shrimp. One day, I woke up and said to myself, “I am not going to live another day like this any more!” Borrowing a line from Doctor Rankin, I wrote my own prescription for optimal health and vitality. I replaced each and every negative thought, feeling and action with a positive one. Today, I am pain free and feel better than ever.

One Determined Resolution is all it takes to completely transform your life. This year, instead of writing down a whole bunch of things you would like to see improve in your life, try just One Determined Resolution for the entire year and see how that works for you. The recently departed Nelson Mandela had just One Determined Resolution: To end apartheid, dismantle institutionalized racism and unite a divided nation. He counted the cost, traded in 27 years of his life in prison but in the end, his One Determined Resolution created freedom for his people. I believe that if one man has the power to transform an entire nation and have such a positive ripple affect on the entire world, then what can possibly stop each of us from creating a healthier and more joyous life for ourselves and the ones we love? This New Year, let’s all resolve to make One Determined Resolution by taking a deep inward journey and then select just one thing we need to change that will create the most positive and lasting change in our lives.

Healthcare and Taxes: Important Terms You Should Know

By Jackson Hewitt: 
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) changes the rules for health insurance.  Everyone can now buy coverage.  However, the law has a tax penalty for people who do not have health insurance. Coverage may also get cheaper.  Many people will qualify for new tax credits.  These credits will help pay for their health insurance.  Others may qualify for free coverage.
To receive these benefits, though, you generally have to file your taxes.  That is why we at Jackson Hewitt say that April 15th is now the most important day in health care!

What’s Different About Health Insurance in 2014?
Insurers must now offer to cover you, even if you have been sick in the past.  The ACA also forces insurers to pay for your current health conditions; they can no longer exclude these.  So even if you are or have been sick, you can still get coverage.  You will also get “first-day” coverage of all services. Insurers can charge premiums based on your age, where you live and if you smoke.  But they can no longer charge different rates for males and females.  They also cannot charge more if you have health conditions.

The Tax Penalty for Not Getting Coverage:
Under the ACA, most people will pay a tax penalty if they do not have health coverage.  The penalties are about 1% of your income in 2014.  The penalties will go up each year.  But, you can sign up for coverage to avoid the penalty.

Making Coverage More Affordable:
The ACA makes health coverage cheaper in a few ways:
  • Medicaid Expansion: Many states have expanded Medicaid.  Up to now, Medicaid covered only people on the “five finger” test (i.e., or the aged, blind, disabled, children, pregnant/parenting adults). Now, many states will cover you if you are not on the five-finger test (for example, if you are an adult under 65 without children).  And these states will essentially use the same income limit for everyone, regardless of which “finger” you are on.  However, this varies by state.
  • Tax Credits: The federal government will provide tax credits to people who do not have affordable coverage through their jobs etc.  To qualify, an individual’s income must be between the limits for their household size.  The amount of your credit will depend on your estimated income and household size.  The government will pay these credits directly to the insurance plan that the person picks; the person enrolled will just pay his or her share of the premium to the company.  At tax time, the individual will settle up with the government to make sure that no one paid too little or too much.  However, you must buy coverage on the new marketplaces to get these credits.  Our partners at Get insured can help with this!
  • Cost-Sharing Reductions: The federal government will also lower deductibles for some families.  Some people may see their deductibles go down by as much as 80%.  You automatically apply for this when you apply for the tax credits.
Have questions? We can help you! Call today for an appointment.

Editor’s notes: Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. is an industry-leading provider of full service individual federal and state income tax preparation, with 6,800 locations throughout the United States. We have operated in the Sacramento valley since 1987 and as a franchise system are well established as your neighborhood tax preparer.

We can help you navigate complex tax issues, including how healthcare will affect your taxes! 

My Experience at Dynamic Dental

By  Lyudmila Bredikhin: 

Hello there, have you ever experienced one tremendously terrible day at the dentist or many visits that added up to being a pretty awful experience overall? Have those experiences made you dread going to the dentist all together? My answer used to be a big “YES,” until I stepped foot into Dynamic Dental!
Allow me to give you a feel of what environment I get to experience at my dental appointments from beginning to end: When I arrive at Dynamic Dental, I do not struggle to find a close parking space. Once I am out of the car, the walk to the office building is very short, so if you are anything like me you are probably late everywhere for the most part. I will not find myself jogging to be on time. As soon as I open the door, I will be welcomed by the front desk person very pleasantly. When I take a seat in the waiting room I can enjoy a cup of coffee, a donut, a brief clip turned on their TV, or anything they may have out for me to make myself feel more like at home at the time.

You will be lucky if you have a few minutes to enjoy the cozy and clean style of the waiting room but usually I'm called back within a few minutes of arriving. Once I get seated into the dentist chair, I will get a warm greeting from one of the doctors, either Dr. Montalvo or Dr. Andrade. They are a unique husband and wife team that make you feel like family. Whichever doctor ends up working on you, you will get the highest care and respect there is to offer, as well as from the assistants. Everyone there will make you feel so special to be there. I know their heart is behind every step they take to keep you satisfied.
The doctors have clear and direct answers to your questions and they will give you options that suit your needs best. Their work on your teeth will be the most professional work you will experience. Whatever the problem may be, they will help to solve the problem effectively and will have you feeling confident about your smile once you leave the office.
Did I mention how everyone cares about building a relationship with you? Not only will you be satisfied with the dental work on your teeth, but how they took the time to get to know you past your teeth. You might be wondering if this may be too good to be true, but give it try for yourself if you do not take my word for it. I enjoy going to Dynamic Dental as well as my whole family, and I know for a fact you will too. Never again will you think going to the dentist is a living nightmare. Thank you so much for allowing me to write a review about your excellence!

Your patient, 
Lyudmila Bredikhin