Monday, January 6, 2014

The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge

By Bob Cox

Are you among the majority of Americans who would love to lose weight, gain energy and create healthy friendships that will last a lifetime? If you answered yes to these questions, you will be thrilled to hear about an exciting new weight loss program called The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge. Starting January 8, 2014, The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge will be inviting up to 39 people to be a part of a twelve week program that’s designed to help people lose weight in a healthy, balanced and supportive environment. I spoke to the director of the program John McCain recently to find out more about this exciting new program and here’s how our conversation went…

Q: What motivated you to start the Biggest Weight Loser Challenge?

A: We decided to do this because whenever we get a group of people together, the energy from the group with a common cause like weight loss works extremely well. We all work together to encourage one another to lose weight in a safe and healthy way.

Q: What is the Biggest Weight Loser Challenge?

A; It is a twelve week program that is intended to motivate and educate people regarding proper nutrition and healthy weight loss. Each week we hold a class and everybody is given the opportunity to share their unique stories as much as they feel comfortable. We have a caring and supportive environment that encourages our students to share their successes as well as challenges in their daily diets. We sometimes bring healthy food to share and discuss during the classes as well. We give our students some guidelines to help them with better nutrition and healthier choices. Members of the group are encouraged to add what they have done to be successful by inspiring others with specific challenges they've overcome to achieve greater success.

Q: Is there any obligation to purchase additional products or to join any organizations?

A: No, the fee you pay goes to the 12 week program. Of course, you just put in what you get out of it. Sometimes the meeting needs you and sometimes you need the meeting. In other words, if you have a good weight loss story to share, your words will motivate and encourage others in the group. On the other hand; if you’re struggling with certain challenges, you may need to hear an inspiring story. We really are a group or community that gets together and encourages one another. Studies have shown that people have more success losing weight and keeping it off when they have a weight loss partner or group doing it with them.

Q: What’s the cost to join the Biggest Weight Loser Challenge?

A: It’s $35 and $30 of that goes to the prize money and $5 goes to administrative costs.

Q: What do you do during a typical meeting?

A: Every week we all weigh in and get measured. After that, we talk about a specific subject that’s part of losing weight, including discussions on protein intake, caloric consumption, nutritional eating habits and choosing healthy snacks high in protein. We have a limit of 39 people and that number helps keep our meetings brief and dynamic. Our meetings typically last about 45 minutes and they are very lively, informative and fun.

Q: Is there any other reason you set the limit to 39 people per group?

A: Yes, because that’s the limit of the prize money that can be paid out to the person that would win the most, without being subjected to additional income tax!

Q: When does the next session begin?

A: The next session begins on Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

Editor’s notes: For more information about The Biggest Weight Loser Challenge, call (916) 295-1900.

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