Wednesday, December 31, 2014

From Big House to Big Screen - The Danny Trejo Show


Fans know Danny Trejo for all the tough guys he's played in action movies like Machete and From Dusk Till Dawn. He's been cast as that kind of character since the start of his career. Before he was an actor, he was an inmate, serving time in prisons across California. His crimes were committed to fund his drug addiction, Trejo says. Behind bars, he had a reputation as a fighter, boxing in tournaments in every institution he was in.

When he was in Salinas Valley State Prison in Soledad, Calif., Trejo says, he was involved in a riot. "So we got sent to the hole, and basically those are all gas chamber offenses," Trejo says. "I just remember asking God to please let me die with dignity and if he would do that, I would promise to say his name every day and help anybody I could anyway I can." Trejo's charges were dropped because there were no witnesses willing to testify. As a free man, Trejo dedicated his life to helping other people.

"I was a drug counselor, and one of the kids that I was working with, about 18 years old, he called me and said, 'Hey, I'm having a big problem down here, there's a lot of cocaine,' " he says. "He gave me the address to a warehouse, so I thought he worked in a warehouse," Trejo says.

As soon as he got there, Trejo realized it was a movie set. The film was Runaway Train, about two escaped convicts, played by Jon Voight and Eric Roberts. After counseling the 18-year-old, Trejo was approached by someone from the movie set. The man asked Trejo if he wanted to be an extra in the film.

"I mean, I've been in every penitentiary in the state — it was kind of funny," Trejo says. He told them he'd give it a shot. They handed him a shirt to wear, which revealed his prison tattoos, screenwriter Eddie Bunker immediately recognized them: Bunker himself had spent time in San Quentin State Prison, where he saw Trejo win a famous boxing tournament.

The screenwriter asked Trejo if he'd be up for training one of the actors how to fight. "So I started training Eric Roberts how to box," Trejo says. Director Andrey Konchalovskiy liked Trejo's style so much that he cast him in Runaway Train to fight Roberts in the ring.

"It's like divine intervention," he says. "When you talk about my big break, you know, I got a few of them in my life. Everything good that has ever happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else," Trejo says. "Everything."

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