Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Trip to the Why!

By Bob Cox

I knew I was in big trouble shortly after I dusted off another bowl of Captain Crunch’s Peanut Butter Crunch an hour before my scheduled meeting with John McCain of Premiere Nutrition. Whenever I go in to see a client to help them formulate an ad design strategy, I like to bring my A game, which means having a surplus of energy and creative input. Unfortunately, all the mental psyching up I did prior to our meeting failed to help me stem yet another carb crash. By the time I reached John’s office, I was dragging like a sleep deprived zombie!

Within a few minutes, John noticed the inner struggle I was going through and commented that I looked like I wasn’t myself. I confessed that I was off and my mind felt like it was trapped in a dense fog. When I apologized for not being at my best, he reassured me that everything was fine and then offered me a product called Lift Off, which is a small tablet that quickly dissolves in water like an Alka-Seltzer tablet.

I chose the orange flavor, which had a pleasant taste and then drank some of it while in his office. A few minutes later I finished it off while on my way to my next client’s store. In the 22 years I’ve been in the advertising business, I’ve tried a wide variety of health related products which claim to increase energy and stimulate weight loss, but nothing to date has ever worked for me. But, much to my amazement, within 30 minutes my energy level increased dramatically and the fog completely lifted! My low energy was replaced with a crisp mental clarity and enhanced focus. I even noticed a healthy spring to my step. Best of all, there were no weird or negative side affects like jittery nerves or anxiety, just a nice healthy flow of energy followed by a growing swell of enthusiasm. I called John immediately and thanked him for this wonderful gift, which stayed with me for the rest of the day!

From that great experience, I became curious to find out how much better I could feel if I went all out and jumped on the Premiere Nutrition bandwagon full-time. I told John I wanted to have a healthy level of energy that would carry me though an entire day, get off 30-40 pounds and not be distracted by hunger pangs or cravings every hour. That’s when John asked me the most powerful question I’ve ever had to answer: “Bob, may I ask you why you want to have more energy and carry around less weight?”

I knew the answer to this question and was eager to share it. “John, I don’t want my wife Diana to ever be forced to work another day in her life or feel like she has to work in order to help us pay the bills. She’s worked her tail off her entire life and I want to provide all the money we need to take care of all our finances and then have some extra in reserve for fun and a rainy day. If she chooses to work extra hours as a massage therapist, it’s because she wants to do it. After 20 years in the business, she still really enjoys helping her clients feel better!”
In the first two weeks I dabbled with Premiere Nutrition, I managed to lose five pounds while gaining more consistent energy. So, when I decided to ramp up my efforts and do the entire program, I lost another five pounds in just one week, but best of all, I had tons of energy throughout the day, zero drowsiness and no cravings or annoying hunger pangs!

When I shared these exciting results with John the other day, he said that Premiere Nutrition is a comprehensive health program that’s foundation is based on optimizing cellular nutrition while introducing the benefits of lean protein, minerals, vitamins, macro-nutrients, fiber, amino acids and adequate water consumption. “Proper cellular nutrition provides the body with all the daily requirements of good health plus ingesting good nutrition,” John explained. I know he’s on to something great here, because I figured the days of enjoying consistently high energy and enthusiasm were distant memories of my youth. How wrong I was and how happy I am to admit this! If you are part of the 69% of Americans who need to lose weight or you want to increase your health, energy and vitality, call my good friend John McCain at (916) 804-9679 and do it today!

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