Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Her Hips Do not Lie

By Bob Cox

If you have ever experienced back pain, you’re not alone. According to recent estimates, you are sadly part of the majority as approximately 60% to 80% of Americans will get at least mild back pain at some time in their lives. A study done by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality back in 2007 reported that about 27 million U.S. adults aged 18 or older (11% of the total adult population) had back pain that year and a total of $30.3 billion was paid to providers, including doctors, physical therapists, pharmacies and others.

When Vernall Hutcheson began to experience severe pain in her lower back, she was part of the unfortunate majority. She got a break a couple months ago when she picked up a copy of Go For It Magazine. “I saw Dr. Blakely’s article and I thought maybe I'd give her a try. I was having really bad pain on my right side from the hip down to my toes. I had an MRI exam two months ago and they said I had a degenerative disc and a bulging disc which was causing all the pain”, explained Hutcheson.

Hutcheson’s options were limited, but she followed her son’s advice to see a chiropractor. “I never really had a positive image of chiropractors but he said I should give it a try. I can't take pain medicine because they don't relieve the pain, so I was running out of choices. I’ve always believed in conventional medicine but I’ve recently become more open about unconventional medicine and holistic health”, said Hutcheson.

Hutcheson’s open minded approach to her own health has yielded remarkable results and she credit’s much of her success to Dr. Blakely. “I’ve been going to Dr. Blakely now for two months. With the combination of adjustments from Dr. Blakely and acupuncture, I have more energy and I'm practically pain free. I just turned 63 and before seeing Dr. Blakely, I wasn't able to stand up without being in excruciating pain and there was no way I could walk a long distance. This past Friday; however, I actually walked a mile! I'm just very excited and so happy I can move around and do things again. I'm so glad that I discovered Dr. Blakely. She's very personable and she combines the holistic approach with conventional medicine and I feel very comfortable with her. She's very professional and this is my first experience with the chiropractor and I'm very pleased and sold”, exclaimed Hutcheson! 

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