Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Do you like the way you look?

By John McCain

Well, do you? Chances are good that the answer most American’s would give is: “No, I hate the way I look!” And why is that? Because 86% of Americans are overweight and according to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 36 percent of Americans older than 20 suffer from extreme obesity! Another startling fact is over half of Americans (60%) are dehydrated because we’re not drinking enough water. We’re replacing water with sugary energy drinks that aren’t healthy for us. To make matters even worse, we often confuse hunger signals when were actually thirsty, causing us to eat even more!

If you think we’re the only country that’s having a battle of the bulge, guess again! In 1950, China had an epidemic when 750,000 people died of malnutrition, but now they are gaining ground on the U.S. by gaining more and more weight. Why is this happening? They no longer ride their bikes, they drive automobiles. Second, they’ve added over 3,000 Burger Kings, McDonalds and KFC’s. Plus, they no longer drink tea every day; they’re gulping down Coca Cola. And now they are the fifth fattest country in the world!

What is the reason for this global overweight epidemic? It’s the terrible food choices we’re making. Nobody makes us eat bad food that’s not good for us. We can choose to eat better and still have a day where we go into those places that aren’t good for us and enjoy an occasional cheat meal.

If we want to get serious about losing weight and getting healthy, we have to want to change. That does not mean starving and depriving ourselves. We have to choose better foods and be committed to it. We have to look at food as premium fuel for our bodies. We have to stop being sick and tired of being sick and tired. We have to change, but where do we begin? One option is to give me a couple of days to help you get on a healthy routine. Just a couple of days is all it will take for you to see and feel the difference.

You have the free will to make choices and if you are serious about the positive choices you make, you will be successful. It doesn’t mean you have to be 100% committed 100% of the time. But you have to be 100% committed to making a healthy change. What happens if you cave in to temptation and fall off the food wagon by eating something that’s not good for you? Well, probably not much if you choose to get right back on track with your serious commitment to yourself.

You will likely need to make some other major mental adjustments. The reality is you didn’t put this weight on overnight and you can’t get it off overnight, but if you work at it steadily, you will take off unwanted pounds without starving yourself. Healthy weight loss is not about reducing your calorie intake; it’s about eating the right foods.

Why am I always so excited? Because I have a program that really works and helps people look and feel great! We encourage our clients to substitute one or two high calorie meals with two shakes a day, along with some enhancers to help them increase energy while eliminating hunger pangs and cravings for sweets. Our program is balanced, simple, nutritional, natural and good for you.

I have two clients that have enjoyed great success over the past 6 months. Bob Cox has lost 25 pounds and Rex McNeill has lost over 20 pounds! Equally impressive: Both are feeling great and they’re not starving to death or feeling deprived. They’re just eating the right foods and enjoying a couple of tasty shakes a day with some enhancers. I became a believer in the program when I lost 31 pounds in the first 90 days! I felt different and it really changed my life. I believe that if I can do it, anyone can do it. With a little helpful coaching and a serious commitment, I’m confident that I can help you say yes the next time someone asks you if you like the way you look!

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