Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Change Today & Drive Tomorrow

By Dave Trux

Fluids are the lifeblood of your vehicle. It is absolutely crucial that you stay timely with all the fluid changes, from the antifreeze in your cooling system to the oils in your engine, transmission and brake systems. Failure to do so could mean the difference between spending a few dollars versus several thousand dollars.

BMW recommends 15,000 miles between oil changes. Even with the improved performance and longevity of today’s synthetic oils, fluids break down over time for a number of reasons. That’s why I advise my customers to change their oil at no more than 7,500 miles to prolong the life of their car. Here’s a sensible rule of thumb: Whatever the factory recommendation is for any fluid changes, cut it in half.

As for transmission fluid, BMW offers a lifetime transmission fluid but that’s not your best option if you want to maximize the life of your vehicle. I recommend flushing that fluid prior to 90,000 miles. If you wait too long and your transmission blows up, instead of spending around $500 for a transmission service, you're spending $5,000 dollars on a new transmission.

When it comes to motor oil and transmission fluid, including synthetic brands, over time the design of these fluids breaks down and becomes less effective in lubricating all the moving internal components. Specifically with oil, it tends to build up sludge over time, similar to a clot in one’s arteries. The bottom line is that it doesn't flow as smoothly and cannot do its job.

Brake fluid needs to be flushed every two years because it’s hydroscopic. Brake fluid acts like a sponge soaking up water, which is what it's designed to do. As for coolant, I again recommend changing it every two years because it will break down and become less effective in protecting other internal components of the engine. So, the moral of the story is change today and drive tomorrow!

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