Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Write On

By Bob Cox

The world has never been more exciting or stressful as the speed at which things get done is faster and more furious than a Vin Diesel movie. As we buzz along the superhighway of technology and information, our smart phones just keep getting smarter while I keep getting dumber. Yes, I’m jealous of my phone, but that’s a story for another day. Life in the 21st century is truly one wild and crazy ride, even without the assistance of our Czechoslovakian buddies from late night television during the 1970’s. Hopefully, at least a few of you are old enough to remember Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd from Saturday Night Live fame.

As thrilling as it is to be part of this wonderful new world, I find it necessary to jump off the ride and decompress more than ever. Even when things are going well, I enjoy taking time out of my day to slow down. Hopping off the merry-go-round helps me stay more balanced and peaceful. Of all the activities I use to slow down, one of the most powerful and helpful tools I use involve doing what I’m doing right now…writing.

I have found that through writing, I’ve been able to resolve a number of important and unresolved issues. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever heard and taken was writing a letter to someone I was most angry with. Several years ago, I wrote a letter to my mom about how upset I was with her over her decision to choose alcohol over her family while I was growing up. As I wrote that letter, I felt an ocean of negative emotions slide back into a sea of serenity like gentle waves.

As I was wrapping up the letter, I became acutely aware of a new and healthy emotion I had seldom felt towards my mom…gratitude. I began to feel very proud of my mom for overcoming her addiction to alcohol, especially without any external assistance. She was able to get off the merry-go-round of misery, dig deep and unearth a better and healthier version of herself. Because of her bravery and wisdom, I became excited to rebuild a healthy relationship with the wonderful and inspiring woman that was my real mom.

Does it matter if you are not the second coming of William Shakespeare or Ernest Hemingway? Absolutely not! The skill of your writing is completely irrelevant. It doesn’t even matter if you present the letter to the person you’re angry with, although I did share the letter with mom (which was mostly positive) and it brought us closer than ever. If you’re grappling with anger and frustration towards another person or even yourself, be sure to enjoy the process of getting in touch with the deeper and wiser version of yourself and…write on!

What matters most is your willingness and desire to peel away the layers of toxic experiences and unresolved emotions so that you can bask in the light of enhanced tranquility. If you do choose to write, be sure to follow the 10/90 rule by investing 10% of your letter addressing the issue and 90% of your letter discussing reasonable and realistic solutions. If you fail to do this and spend the entire time itemizing your grievances, you will never reach the desired levels of freedom from those negative feelings.

Sure, we could achieve similar or even greater results without the writer’s block by consulting a skilled therapist. But that would never work for me because my inner Jack Benny, the notorious penny-pincher from the good old days, would have a meltdown of mythical proportions. So, in order to keep the peace from the inside out, I will continue to do what I enjoy doing the most and…write on!

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms and to you Beverly Jean Rothermel-Cox…my mom. January 24, 1924 – May 30, 2012. Your spirit is alive and well.

Ensuring Your Extended Warranty

By Dave Trux

Whether you bought your car at a franchise dealership or a pre-owned dealership, chances are good that you financed your car. When you went through the financing company, the finance and insurance representative probably offered you an extended warranty and you bought one.

To ensure that your extended warranty gets honored, you must bring your vehicle back to where you purchased it, no matter how far or inconvenient it might be, right? Wrong! If that’s what you thought, you’re not alone as many people believe that they don’t have the option to choose an independent repair facility while their vehicle is under warranty. The good news is that you can choose the repair facility that best meets your needs.

If you choose an independent repair facility, make sure you let them know that you have an extended warranty as soon as you bring your vehicle in for service or repair. Why? Because the shop you choose needs to be your advocate. A reputable shop will carefully inspect every part of the vehicle that’s covered under your warranty to ensure that your vehicle and pocketbook are safe.

What is likely to happen if you inform your repair facility once the repairs are completed? You will be on the hook for costly repairs down the road if one or more components fail after your warranty expires.

One of the greatest challenges to owning and operating an honest and reputable shop is earning a customer’s trust. If your repair shop thinks that you’re a cash customer, they may be hesitant to let you know if there’s a long list of marginal things that could go wrong in the future. Why? Because they won’t want you to feel like you’re being gouged, overwhelmed and taken advantage of.

When an honest repair facility knows that you have an extended warranty beforehand, they will likely ask for more time up-front to thoroughly inspect your car and make sure you get the full benefits from your extended warranty. That extra time may be a short-term inconvenience, but in the long run Father Time could be your bank accounts best friend.

Staying Motivated with Millie

By Bob Cox

Of all the people I’ve worked with over the last 25 years, no one has been more genuinely upbeat, cheerful and optimistic than Millie Finch, the owner of Trends-n-Treats, now located in Folsom, CA. That’s probably why I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her. I met Millie eight years ago during one of the worst recessions in our country’s history and despite all those tough times, Millie always found a way to stay strong and positive. I got a chance to visit with Millie the other day to learn more about how she manages to stay so bright and bubbly, even in the worst of times.

Q: What's your secret to staying so positive and upbeat?

A: There are so many reasons to be cheerful and remain optimistic! The years during the Great Recession were some of the toughest times for many of us, especially financially. I like to fill my heart and mind with positive things like encouraging quotes. A good one by Ralph Waldo Emerson is: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”

Q: Why do you think it is important for business owners to stay strong mentally and have a good attitude?

A: People are depending on us! Keeping a positive attitude and outlook is critical. We must stay mentally strong to battle our greatest enemies: fear and doubt. Suffering is no walk in the park and often the outcome isn’t what we hoped for. However, think about all there is to gain when we’re challenged, especially all the positive attributes and character traits we acquire from our struggles! We can reflect on the kind souls who supported us and helped us get back on track again.

Q: What are your personal goals for this year?

A: I plan to get stronger and win my personal battle against fear and doubt, to forgive completely and focus on the good in the world and the good that can be found in the hearts of others. Bob, I am so grateful for all the encouragement I receive from my daughters, my staff, our customers and our wonderful community. I also appreciate all my friends, like you, Diana and all our customers, furry and non.

Q: Why did you decide to open a pet store?

A: I love animals and love working with the public. It’s a tremendous blessing to have the privilege to work with my two daughters Brianna & Rachelle. Our locally owned and operated business is the perfect fit for us!

Q: What do your customers love most about Trends-n-Treats?

A: Trends-n-Treats is a locally owned and operated business with a team of staff who truly care about our customers, furry and non! We listen to our customers and assess their needs. We do our best to meet our customer’s needs according to their budget; what’s practical and convenient for them. We offer free samples to help assure that their dogs and cats actually like the products.

Q: You moved your store recently. Can you tell us about the new location?

A: We’re now located in the Folsom Pavilions Center at the corner of Folsom-Auburn Road & Greenback Lane (Next to European Sleep Design.) I honestly feel my store is located in the most beautiful and convenient location in the greater Sacramento area! We’re surrounded by mature neighborhoods and the American River Canyon. We’re near local dog parks and across the street from the American River Parkway. It’s a great privilege to have access to these great natural resources! We’ve received lots of compliments on our beautiful new location and our customers should enjoy the wide variety of shopping experiences, including great restaurants and interesting shops. We could not be more excited to be here!

Q: With more retail space, are you offering more products and services?

A: Yes. We’re streamlining our products to speak more to our beliefs of quality sourcing, manufacturing and pure intent. We’re invested in helping our customers find that individual golden path to wellness for their pet(s); any age and breed. We’re also excited to announce a home delivery service and will continue to offer low-cost immunization clinics on the first Saturday of every month from 1-2pm.

Q: I have a senior pet and am concerned that I’m not addressing her changing needs as well as I could be. Do you carry specific products for the needs of aging pets?

A: The aging process is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, it is a beautiful gift and an honor of sorts. Here at T-N-T, we want to help you help your senior pets age with grace and dignity and have stocked our shelves with the necessary products to do so…everything from moisture rich foods with highly digestible proteins, to the cleanest and purest sources of supplements to aid in digestive support, urinary tract health, joint support, oral health, overall immune health and much more. I highly recommend to anyone interested in learning about optimal pet health to come to Trends-n-Treats free seminar on Thursday June 2, 2016 at 7pm and hear Dr. Angie Stamm, D.V.M. share important information on this subject.  

 Editors notes: Trends-n-Treats is located at 6606 Folsom-Auburn Road, Suite 2 in the Folsom Pavilions Center in Folsom, CA (Next to European Sleep Design). Their phone number is (916) 536-0000 and their website is www.trendsntreats.com.

Les is More

By Bob Cox

During several difficult years while growing up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood, the teachers in his elementary school declared the boy, “Educable mentally retarded”. Most of his teachers failed to recognize the amazing potential of the young man. Fortunately, his self-esteem was not completely destroyed. With the help of his adoptive mother and the assistance of a dedicated teacher in high school, he summoned the determination, persistence and belief in his ability to go beyond the expectations of everyone else that doubted his abilities.

Leslie Calvin "Les" Brown was born February 17, 1945, along with his twin brother, Wesley, in an abandoned building in a low-income section of Miami, Florida. He and his brother were given up for adoption. Both boys were finally adopted by Mamie Brown, a 38-year-old single woman who worked as a cafeteria attendant and domestic assistant. Although success would not come quickly or easily, Les never abandoned his dream of becoming a disc jockey.

At night, Les would listen to deejays on his a transistor radio while sitting in bed so that he could learn from them. He allowed his imagination to transform his tiny bedroom into a glorious radio station. His hairbrush became his microphone and he would banter on late into the night, entertaining his imaginary listeners. His brother and his mother would often shout at him to go sleep, but Les refused to say goodnight to his dream.
Les took the next bold step towards his dream, walked to the local radio station and asked the manager for a job. When the manager asked him if he had any experience, Les said no and the manager quickly dismissed him from his office. Most people would’ve been too crushed by disappointment to ever go back, but Les became more determined than ever. He proceeded to come back every single day and asked the same manager for a job. His perseverance finally paid off and he was hired as an errand boy.
One day, Les got his big break when the opening disc jockey reported to work drunk. The station manager asked Les to track down another DJ to handle the opening shift. Les waited 15 minutes without contacting a single person and then volunteered to step in. Out of complete desperation, the manager accepted and Les’s life would never be the same.

Les would go on to parlay these humble beginnings to achieve extraordinary success. He eventually became a broadcast station manager, a political commentator and a multi-term state representative in Ohio.
Today, Les Brown enjoys life as one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers. His trademark is his ability to parlay his compelling life story into a blueprint for others to succeed. His transparent, from-the-heart passion and energy has motivated audiences from around the world. He has won numerous awards and is highly-sought-after by Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, non-profit organizations and community leaders all across the country. For three decades he has mastered the science of achievement by interviewing and collaborating with hundreds of successful business leaders. Here’s one of my favorite quotes to ponder…

You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. Les Brown

Saving Your Water Soaked Phone

By Alika Salazar

If you own a mobile phone, chances are good that you either have or will drop your phone in a pool of water, like a swimming pool, bathtub or the dreaded toilet! Here are a few simple tips to take if you want to prevent getting soaked by your soaking wet phone.

  • Turn your phone off right away. If you can’t turn it off, don’t try to force it. Call us right away and we’ll talk you through it.
  • Put your phone in rice and bring it into our store as soon as possible. Rice will help pull moisture out, but it isn’t as effective as many people believe. We’ll open a phone that’s been in rice for two or more days and it will still have water in it, because it’s so tightly enclosed. Don’t leave your phone in rice for a week and hope it works.
  • Don’t put it in rice for a few days and then plug it in. If you plug it in, you will most likely short out the components. We recommend getting it to us right away, while there’s still liquid in there.
  • Don’t take your phone apart and try to dry it off. That is one of the most common mistakes people make. Bring it into the store as soon as possible and allow us to do a chemical cleaning on it. We have about a 75% recovery rate on water soaked phones. We usually need about two to 24 hours, depending on the severity of the damage.

So, what happens if you are one of those unfortunate folks that have a phone that cannot be restored? Is there a way to save your information? Yes! We can refer you to a company that specializes in extracting information from motherboards that are dead. You simply send it off to them and within a few days they will have an answer for you. More often than not, they can preserve your information and transfer it to your new phone.

Her Hips Do not Lie

By Bob Cox

If you have ever experienced back pain, you’re not alone. According to recent estimates, you are sadly part of the majority as approximately 60% to 80% of Americans will get at least mild back pain at some time in their lives. A study done by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality back in 2007 reported that about 27 million U.S. adults aged 18 or older (11% of the total adult population) had back pain that year and a total of $30.3 billion was paid to providers, including doctors, physical therapists, pharmacies and others.

When Vernall Hutcheson began to experience severe pain in her lower back, she was part of the unfortunate majority. She got a break a couple months ago when she picked up a copy of Go For It Magazine. “I saw Dr. Blakely’s article and I thought maybe I'd give her a try. I was having really bad pain on my right side from the hip down to my toes. I had an MRI exam two months ago and they said I had a degenerative disc and a bulging disc which was causing all the pain”, explained Hutcheson.

Hutcheson’s options were limited, but she followed her son’s advice to see a chiropractor. “I never really had a positive image of chiropractors but he said I should give it a try. I can't take pain medicine because they don't relieve the pain, so I was running out of choices. I’ve always believed in conventional medicine but I’ve recently become more open about unconventional medicine and holistic health”, said Hutcheson.

Hutcheson’s open minded approach to her own health has yielded remarkable results and she credit’s much of her success to Dr. Blakely. “I’ve been going to Dr. Blakely now for two months. With the combination of adjustments from Dr. Blakely and acupuncture, I have more energy and I'm practically pain free. I just turned 63 and before seeing Dr. Blakely, I wasn't able to stand up without being in excruciating pain and there was no way I could walk a long distance. This past Friday; however, I actually walked a mile! I'm just very excited and so happy I can move around and do things again. I'm so glad that I discovered Dr. Blakely. She's very personable and she combines the holistic approach with conventional medicine and I feel very comfortable with her. She's very professional and this is my first experience with the chiropractor and I'm very pleased and sold”, exclaimed Hutcheson!