Friday, November 22, 2013

Turn your life around in 15 Weeks

By John McCain

When I first met a couple named Jerry and Elizabeth 15 weeks ago, they were battling a variety of physical and psychological challenges. Jerry started out with a weight of 352.6 and he suffered from low levels of self confidence. Elizabeth came in at 263.2 while dealing with chronic depression and stomach disorders. They came together, determined to reverse their unhealthy lifestyle. What has happened in these last few months in nothing short of miraculous.

Jerry’s Story: I was tired of people telling me that I was getting bigger, so I thought it was time to do something. The hardest part about getting started on the Premiere Nutrition Program was understanding what I could eat and learning how to read labels and looking for the 10 to 1 ratio of protein to fat. I used to eat fast food like hamburgers, French fries and pizza. Now, I feel more confident and people are noticing. A lot of people have said, “Wow, you have lost a lot of weight”, so that gives me the opportunity to tell them how we did it. I let them know that we don’t have to starve and it’s all about making the right choices. I tell them what we snack on and what we’re able to eat and show them that direction. Before, I felt almost like a buffalo walking around, but now I feel more confident. I feel like I look better and I just feel better all around.

Elizabeth’s Story: I started on the program because I was upset with how people looked at me and how I looked at myself. I wanted a better career and I wanted to go to college but I did not feel good enough to do that. Since I’ve been on the program, it’s been difficult giving up certain foods I have associated with my depression or my boredom, like chips and chocolate, which I would eat every day. I have noticed that when I eat the food recommended on the program and drink their shakes, I don’t get nauseated. Before I got on the program, I would get sick to my stomach, no matter what food I ate. Then I would feel tired and sad. Now, I don’t feel tired and I don’t feel sad. I feel good, I feel strong and I have more energy. Before Premiere Nutrition, I felt sluggish and sad and now I feel energetic and excited about life!

Since Jerry started on the Premiere Nutrition Program, he’s lost a total of 44.6 pounds (352.6 to 308.0), 3% body fat, 5 visceral points and a combined size loss of 31.5 inches in just 15 weeks! Elizabeth came in at 263.2 and she’s now at 231.4 pounds. She’s down 31.8 pounds, 3% body fat, 4 points in visceral fat and a combined inch loss of 15 ¼ inches. They are both excited. They have become aware of their association with food and have made conscious decisions to make healthier choices. They now realize whenever they are tempted to make a bad food choice and why they feel the urge to do it. They are going through a life transforming process and I’m proud of them. They’re doing a great job!

Jerry and Elizabeth still face challenges to make healthy choices every day, but they’re doing it and I’m proud of them. They come in every two weeks, get measured, weigh in on the iron man scale and track their progress. It’s fun to see people being committed to a healthy lifestyle and its fun to see the results for me personally. It motivates me when people are successful and they start to believe in themselves.

Jerry and Elizabeth have a ways to go to reach their goals, but they did not get there overnight and they’re not going to change overnight. But in just 15 weeks, to see these results is inspiring. When I see those numbers and hear how positive and excited Jerry and Elizabeth are now, it gives me chill bumps. I think to myself, “Man, this is what it’s all about! 

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