Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1MusicNetwork Expands

All Talk Shows Now Featured on

By Don Alias

The hottest new online radio network just got a little hotter. Because of our explosive growth in the past few months in both our music and talk show formats, we decided to create a brand new and separate network for all our talk shows and its called For all you music lovers out there, fear not. We will continue to broadcast right here in Sacramento and deliver a wide variety of musical genre’s on the original But now, going forward, we will also be featuring even more great local and national talent on our brand new talk network called

How do the shows on compare to other radio shows? They are completely different from traditional talk radio, where you have some of the nationally known talk hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. Our network of talk shows feature people that are extremely knowledgeable in the particular show topic they’re covering. For instance, for our listeners who want to improve their overall health and well being, we are now featuring Staci Joy, R.N., B.S.N. and H.N.C three times a day! Staci is also the director of, an independent holistic nursing practice.

We have many other talk show hosts that cover a wide spectrum of different topics, including motivation, health and fitness (two shows), and even a vitamin show. These are all actual shows that are a part of our network on These shows are all hosted by specialists in their field. So, each and every week, our hosts cover a different topic. When you tune in, you will be hearing about proven ways to better the quality of your personal and professional life. So, is really a self improvement and knowledge enhancement channel.

How does one listen to our talk shows? If you’re on a smart phone, download the Radio Loyalty app, scroll down and press the tab. If you’re on a computer, type in and review a complete lineup of every host that’s on the channel. offers our listeners a non-traditional approach to radio programming, so we welcome you to tune in, experience the positive difference and enjoy!

Editor’s notes: Don Alias is the C.E.O. of and 1talk He can be reached by phone at (916) 879-1939 or email at

A Trip to the Why!

By Bob Cox

I knew I was in big trouble shortly after I dusted off another bowl of Captain Crunch’s Peanut Butter Crunch an hour before my scheduled meeting with John McCain of Premiere Nutrition. Whenever I go in to see a client to help them formulate an ad design strategy, I like to bring my A game, which means having a surplus of energy and creative input. Unfortunately, all the mental psyching up I did prior to our meeting failed to help me stem yet another carb crash. By the time I reached John’s office, I was dragging like a sleep deprived zombie!

Within a few minutes, John noticed the inner struggle I was going through and commented that I looked like I wasn’t myself. I confessed that I was off and my mind felt like it was trapped in a dense fog. When I apologized for not being at my best, he reassured me that everything was fine and then offered me a product called Lift Off, which is a small tablet that quickly dissolves in water like an Alka-Seltzer tablet.

I chose the orange flavor, which had a pleasant taste and then drank some of it while in his office. A few minutes later I finished it off while on my way to my next client’s store. In the 22 years I’ve been in the advertising business, I’ve tried a wide variety of health related products which claim to increase energy and stimulate weight loss, but nothing to date has ever worked for me. But, much to my amazement, within 30 minutes my energy level increased dramatically and the fog completely lifted! My low energy was replaced with a crisp mental clarity and enhanced focus. I even noticed a healthy spring to my step. Best of all, there were no weird or negative side affects like jittery nerves or anxiety, just a nice healthy flow of energy followed by a growing swell of enthusiasm. I called John immediately and thanked him for this wonderful gift, which stayed with me for the rest of the day!

From that great experience, I became curious to find out how much better I could feel if I went all out and jumped on the Premiere Nutrition bandwagon full-time. I told John I wanted to have a healthy level of energy that would carry me though an entire day, get off 30-40 pounds and not be distracted by hunger pangs or cravings every hour. That’s when John asked me the most powerful question I’ve ever had to answer: “Bob, may I ask you why you want to have more energy and carry around less weight?”

I knew the answer to this question and was eager to share it. “John, I don’t want my wife Diana to ever be forced to work another day in her life or feel like she has to work in order to help us pay the bills. She’s worked her tail off her entire life and I want to provide all the money we need to take care of all our finances and then have some extra in reserve for fun and a rainy day. If she chooses to work extra hours as a massage therapist, it’s because she wants to do it. After 20 years in the business, she still really enjoys helping her clients feel better!”
In the first two weeks I dabbled with Premiere Nutrition, I managed to lose five pounds while gaining more consistent energy. So, when I decided to ramp up my efforts and do the entire program, I lost another five pounds in just one week, but best of all, I had tons of energy throughout the day, zero drowsiness and no cravings or annoying hunger pangs!

When I shared these exciting results with John the other day, he said that Premiere Nutrition is a comprehensive health program that’s foundation is based on optimizing cellular nutrition while introducing the benefits of lean protein, minerals, vitamins, macro-nutrients, fiber, amino acids and adequate water consumption. “Proper cellular nutrition provides the body with all the daily requirements of good health plus ingesting good nutrition,” John explained. I know he’s on to something great here, because I figured the days of enjoying consistently high energy and enthusiasm were distant memories of my youth. How wrong I was and how happy I am to admit this! If you are part of the 69% of Americans who need to lose weight or you want to increase your health, energy and vitality, call my good friend John McCain at (916) 804-9679 and do it today!

Spring Fever Hits Grocery Outlet

By Monica Ortiz
Spring is in the air! Here at your Rancho Cordova Grocery Outlet, we’re busy getting ready for all the seasonal items that are arriving weekly. Stop by often to see what’s new! You don’t want to miss out and end up paying full price somewhere else.

We’re getting our garden supplies, along with vegetable and flower seeds, bare root roses, bushes and fruit trees. Shop for basic garden tools, rakes and hoses. Pots and potted plants are always a big hit and don’t forget the solar garden décor. We’ll also be getting our barbeque supplies by mid-March.

Easter is just around the corner on Sunday, March 31, so we want to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter. We’ll be having many of your favorite items to help you celebrate and have a feast. Check our Facebook page for any special events and make sure you’re signed up to receive your very own e-coupons. If you’re not on our email list, sign up next time you’re in the store or visit our web page at

Ask Les

Q: What are some tips to help increase my gas mileage?

A: Make sure you maintain proper air pressure in your tires. If the air pressure is too low, it creates more drag on your car, which takes more power from your engine and decreases your gas mileage. Maintaining proper air pressure gives you the best rolling resistance for your tires which allows them to work at peak performance. Tires that are over inflated won’t decrease your gas mileage but they will prematurely wear out the center portion of your tires.

Q: What does an alignment do for your vehicle?

A: Alignment will allow your vehicle to track straight when driving and improve gas mileage. It also brings adjustable angles into spec to eliminate irregular and premature tire wear.

Q: What are the advantages of replacing struts and shocks?

A: Improved handling characteristics, improved tire wear and improved braking.

Real Estate Trends

By Joel Perez

I’m sure most active buyers realize that we’re now having a shortage of inventory. With fewer houses for sale, it makes it real difficult for a buyer to get an offer accepted. So, my advice is to have a lot of patience in this market. The principal of supply and demand is in full effect. There’s just not that much supply and there’s a huge demand, so I convey that to my buyers. I advise them to be patient and do my best to reassure them that we’ll be able to find them the house that they want; it just might take a little longer.

Q: Who are the biggest competitor’s in today’s real estate market?

A: If you’re a financed buyer, if you’re an F.H.A. or even a conventional financed buyer, the investor’s are taking the majority of houses because they’re getting the winning bids on a lot of these houses.

Q: Are most investors bidding below asking price, at asking price or above asking price?

A: Most investors are coming in with all cash and cash is king. Sometimes they do come in over asking price, depending on that particular market. I’ve also seen them come in below asking price and a seller will take it because it is a cash offer.

Q: Why is it important to have a real estate agent who has lots of connections in today’s market?

A: It really behooves the buyer to have an agent who is well connected, that knows the inventory and has good relationships with other agents, where they may have done transactions together in the past. I always let other agents know that I have a buyer that’s looking for a specific type of property, so once they come up with a listing, they will think of me right away. The market is ever changing, so know it would really be to the benefit of the buyer to have an agent who has those relationships, understands the market and can employ some of those strategies.

Q: How much inventory is available in today’s market?

A: Right now we’re looking at a lot of areas where there is less than a month’s supply of inventory, which means that it is a very tight market. Under normal times, we might have a two to three month supply. When we had the big foreclosure boom, we sometimes had a six month supply, so the pendulum has really swung the other way and we’re probably going to see this trend continue for the remainder of the year. This inventory shortage is driving home values back up, with the median price for a home in Sacramento County up 19% from last year (January 2012 to January 2013), according to Data Quick.

Q: Why should buyers choose you to find a home for them?

A: I have several years of experience, I know how the market has changed and I’ve adjusted to the market, so I know what strategies work best for my clients. I’ve lived and worked in this community my whole life, so I understand the local market and I have a natural interest in seeing our community thrive. It’s a special feeling to think that you might be a part of that and also help people achieve their goals, whether it’s buying or selling a home.

Premium Gas vs. Regular Gas

By Walter Ford

The fuel that comes into the state is from a single pipeline. The factors that differentiate fuels between the different refineries are the additives that are put in. Some additives are better than others. Unfortunately, we’re running into fuels that have additional corn based ethanol, which is not good for our car’s engine. It destroys the fuel lines and makes engines less efficient. Instead of using something like saw grass, which grows on its own and is inexpensive to cultivate, we’re forced to use corn because it’s a little bit cleaner. My personal opinion is to get away from that and go back to using good high quality fuels with good additives.

Back in 2004, we had a problem with some engines having an issue with poor acceleration around 4,000-4,500 R.P.M.’s. I started playing around with some fuels and went to no name gas stations with low grade quality fuel. What I discovered was anytime I used anything less than 91 octane, the problem would return within a half a tank. If I used Chevron gasoline, the problem went away and did not return unless I was driving very aggressively.

About a month later, B.M.W. came out with a recommendation, stating that if you had a drivability issue with a B.M.W., the first thing they did was equip their dealerships with ethanol sniffers. If they sniffed a high concentration of ethanol in your fuel, they would tell you to stop using that fuel, go to Chevron and run two tanks through. If you continued to have a drivability problem, then come back. What B.M.W. did was parallel to what I was doing here at our shop. They determined that the high levels of ethanol in the fuel, along with lower quality additives were contributing to the problem. What would happen is the ethanol, when under the pressure of acceleration would have a wide fluctuation of octane ratings. Under medium to hard acceleration, an octane of 91 purchased at the pump tested as low as 84!

If you want to get better mileage, use the highest quality fuel. 
Number 1, it’s going to be more efficient. 
Number 2, it will have better detergents, so it’s going to keep your engine and fuel system cleaner. And Number 3, it will extend the life of the engine. If you’re experiencing ping and knock, the engine will pull the timing back and make up for that. Over a long period of time, this will become a problem.

No matter what kind of car you drive, I recommend that you do these two things: 
1. Get the highest octane gas possible. You can visit a website called top tier Only buy gas from the stations listed on this website. 
2. Never let the fuel go below a quarter of a tank. With new cars, the fuel pump is in the tank and the fuel helps keep the pump running cooler. We’ve seen failures in engines of newer cars when our customers say they commonly run it on empty. Furthermore, if you have any particulate matter floating in the gas tank, the concentration increases as the tank gets lower in fuel. Your engine will last longer and run cooler.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Is Your Marketing Flatlining?

by Susan Dakuzaku:

When it comes to best use of a square inch, nothing can beat a great picture. It will jump start your marketing campaign, brand your event AND tell your story. The next time you look at your marketing material, website, e-newsletter or ad, ask yourself “Is it flat lining?”

If it can use some PUNCH, add a GOOD PICTURE. And, we are living in a digital world. Taking pictures or video and instantly posting them in your website, blog or social media account is easier than ever. Imagine how “fresh” your content would be if it were updated real-time!! If you want to know more about the POWER of the PICTURE, come to our next Tech Connective meet-up on March 12 when our speakers will show you how to revive and resuscitate your marketing with the simple click of a camera for effective photos and video.
NOTE: During our meeting on April 9, learn how a little inch-square QR code can power up your postcard with video, photo galleries, testimonials, click to call or buy buttons, and even more... “If at first you don’t succeed, snap/click again!”

Is Your Marketing Flatlining? TECH CONNECTIVE MEET-UPS Second Tuesdays of each Month Mar. 12: A Picture is Worth... Apr. 9: Power Up your Postcards 11:30 am to 1 pm; pre-register online
and your first meeting is FREE! *Visit for Bob’s bio and past blogs.

For details about these events and more visit You can also learn more about
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